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Meditation Corner | Cozy & Calm

Meditation Audio
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Grades K - 2

Hi there! Let’s do a fun and easy meditation together. Look at the picture in front of you. See the girl sleeping so peacefully? She looks so calm, doesn’t she? Let’s try to feel just as calm as she does. First, take a big, deep breath in, like you’re smelling a yummy cake. Now, slowly breathe out, like you’re blowing out a candle on your birthday cake. Doesn’t that feel good? Now, watch how the girl’s body moves as she breathes. Her chest goes up when she breathes in and down when she breathes out, nice and slow. Let’s pretend we’re just like her. Breathe in slowly… and breathe out slowly… just like her. Imagine you’re lying down in a cozy, soft bed, feeling so comfortable. With every breath, you feel more and more relaxed, just like the girl. Think about how peaceful and happy she must feel as she sleeps. Now, let yourself feel the same way—calm, happy, and safe. You’re in a special place where everything is soft, quiet, and full of peace. Keep breathing slowly, in and out, and feel all your worries drift away like little clouds in the sky. You’re just as peaceful as the girl in the picture, resting and feeling good. When you’re ready, take one more deep breath, and as you breathe out, smile and feel all the calmness stay with you. You did a great job!

Grades 3 - 5

Hey there! Let’s take a moment to relax together. Look at the picture of the girl sleeping. She looks so peaceful, doesn’t she? Let’s see if we can feel just as calm as she does. Start by taking a deep breath in, like you’re filling up a balloon in your belly. Now, slowly let the air out, like you’re letting the balloon float gently away. Now, focus on how the girl’s body moves as she breathes. Her chest goes up when she breathes in and down when she breathes out, slow and steady. Let’s breathe just like her. Breathe in… and breathe out… nice and easy. Imagine you’re lying in your own cozy bed, wrapped up in your favorite blanket. Every time you breathe in, you feel more relaxed. Every time you breathe out, you let go of anything that’s bothering you. Think about how calm and safe the girl must feel as she sleeps. Picture yourself feeling the same way—calm, cozy, and totally at ease. You’re in a quiet place where everything is peaceful, and you can just relax. Keep breathing slowly, and with each breath, feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed, just like the girl in the picture. Let all your worries float away like little bubbles in the air. When you’re ready, take one more deep breath, and as you breathe out, feel calm, relaxed, and ready for whatever comes next. Great job! You’ve found your own little moment of peace.

These meditations guide kids in grades K-2 and 3-5 through a relaxing, peaceful experience, helping them prepare for sleep by visualizing themselves resting calmly, just like the girl in the picture.

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