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Meditation Corner | Peaceful Bubble

Meditation Audio
00:00 / 05:00
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Grades K - 2

Hi there! Let’s use our imagination and do a fun meditation together. Look at the picture of the girl floating inside a big, shiny water bubble. Doesn’t it look like she’s having fun, just floating there? Let’s pretend we’re floating in a bubble too! First, take a big, deep breath in, like you’re getting ready to blow a giant bubble. Now, breathe out slowly, like you’re gently blowing that bubble into the air. Now, imagine you’re inside your very own water bubble, just like the girl. The bubble is soft and cozy, and it gently floats you up, up, up! You feel light and safe, like you’re floating on a cloud. As you float, the water bubble keeps you warm and protected. You can feel the soft water around you, making you feel super calm and happy. Every time you breathe in, your bubble floats a little higher. Every time you breathe out, it gently sways from side to side. Picture yourself floating through the air, feeling so peaceful and calm. Your bubble is taking you on a relaxing adventure, and you can see all the pretty colors shining through the water. When you’re ready, take one more deep breath, and as you breathe out, feel your bubble slowly float down to the ground. Now, you feel calm, relaxed, and happy, just like the girl in the bubble. Great job!

Grades 3 - 5

Hey there! Let’s take a little break and go on a peaceful adventure together. Look at the image of the girl floating inside a cool, clear water bubble. She looks so calm and relaxed, doesn’t she? Let’s imagine we’re inside a water bubble just like hers! Start by taking a deep breath in, like you’re getting ready to blow the biggest bubble ever. Now, slowly breathe out, like you’re letting that bubble float up into the sky. Now, close your eyes and imagine you’re inside your very own water bubble. The bubble is soft, smooth, and it’s gently lifting you off the ground. You’re floating up, up, up, feeling light as a feather! As you float in your bubble, you feel totally safe and relaxed. The water around you is calm, and it’s like a warm, cozy hug. With each breath you take, your bubble floats a little higher, and you feel even more peaceful. Look around from inside your bubble. You can see the world below you, but up here, everything is quiet and calm. Your bubble is carrying you on a peaceful journey, swaying gently in the air. You feel free, relaxed, and happy. Imagine that your bubble is taking away all your worries and thoughts, leaving you feeling light and carefree. You’re just floating, enjoying the peaceful ride. When you’re ready, take one last deep breath, and as you breathe out, feel your bubble slowly float back down to the ground. Now, you feel calm, peaceful, and ready to go on with your day. Awesome job!

These meditations are designed to guide younger children (K-2) and older children (grades 3-5) through a peaceful and imaginative experience, helping them relax and connect with the calming imagery of a girl floating in a water bubble.

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