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Meditation Corner | Chicks by the Puddle

Meditation Audio
00:00 / 05:00
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Grades K - 2

Hi there! Let’s go on a fun, relaxing adventure together. Look at the picture of the boy sitting on a log, with baby birds playing around him. They’re so cute, hopping in and out of the puddle! Let’s imagine we’re right there with them. First, take a big, deep breath in, like you’re smelling fresh rain on a spring day. Now, breathe out slowly, like you’re blowing gently on a dandelion. Now, close your eyes and imagine you’re sitting on a big, comfy log, just like the boy. The baby birds are all around you, chirping and playing. They’re so tiny and fluffy, and they love jumping in and out of the puddle! As you watch the birds, you feel happy and calm. Imagine holding one of the baby birds in your hands. It’s soft and light, like a little puff of feathers, and it makes you smile. Every time you breathe in, think about the happy sound of the birds chirping and splashing in the puddle. Every time you breathe out, imagine how the soft feathers of the bird feel in your hands. The birds are having so much fun, splashing and hopping around, and their joy makes you feel peaceful and relaxed. You can see the water splashing as they jump in and out, and it makes you giggle inside. As you sit there, imagine all your worries floating away, like little bubbles popping in the puddle. You’re just enjoying this happy moment with the baby birds. When you’re ready, take one more deep breath, and as you breathe out, imagine the birds gathering around you, making you feel warm and cozy. Now, you feel calm, happy, and relaxed, just like the boy sitting on the log. Great job!

Grades 3 - 5

Hey there! Let’s take a moment to relax and have some fun with our imaginations. Look at the picture of the boy sitting on a log, with baby birds jumping in and out of a puddle around him. They look so playful and happy, don’t they? Let’s imagine we’re right there with them! Start by taking a deep breath in, like you’re breathing in the fresh, cool air after a gentle rain. Now, slowly breathe out, like you’re blowing on the surface of the puddle to make little ripples. Now, close your eyes and picture yourself sitting on a big log, just like the boy. The baby birds are all around you, chirping and playing, jumping in and out of a puddle. They’re so tiny and fluffy, and being with them makes you feel calm and happy. As you watch the birds, you feel a sense of joy, like when you’re playing with something you really love. Imagine holding one of the baby birds in your hands. It’s so soft and light, and its little chirps make you smile. Every time you breathe in, imagine hearing the happy chirps and the splash of the birds jumping into the puddle. Every time you breathe out, picture the gentle ripples in the water and how peaceful everything feels. The birds are having so much fun, splashing and hopping around in the puddle. Their playful energy makes you feel relaxed and peaceful, like you’re part of their little game. As you sit on the log, imagine all your worries washing away, like water splashing out of the puddle. You’re just enjoying this calm and joyful moment with the baby birds. When you’re ready, take one last deep breath, and as you breathe out, imagine the birds gathering around you, making you feel even more peaceful and relaxed. Now, you feel calm, relaxed, and ready to take on whatever comes next. Awesome job!

These meditations help kids in grades K-2 and 3-5 relax and connect with the joyful, calming imagery of a boy sitting on a log as baby birds play around him, hopping in and out of a puddle.

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